neoGcamp mark15 projects

profit or loss calculator (markFourteen)

It is a Javascript App which takes three input from user : Initial Stock Price, Quantity Bought/Held, Current Stock Price. And then calculates if the particular investment brought profit or loss for the investors. As an output it shows both absolute profit/loss amount and percentage values of the same.

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palindrome birthday checker (markThrirteen)

This application is written using Javascript. It checks if the user's birthdate is a palindrome or not. If it's not a palindrome, then it displays the nearest palindrome to the birth date.

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fun with triangles (markTwelve)

A web app which will make you play arround Triangles, it's calculation and logics. There is also a small quiz to play and share with your friends. It is made on JavaScript and has four sections.

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lucky number checker (markEleven)

An app written in Javascript where a user can input his/her Birthdate and lucky number and the app will run a basic calculation of division to show whether the Birthdate is lucky or not.

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cash register (markTen)

A JS app where you can enter the bill amount and cash given by the customer and know minimum number of notes to return.

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follow suggestioner (markNine)

This is a REACT app which gives you best follow suggestion for photographers as per my likings which is also divided by photography Genres. This App is created using CodeSandBox and hosted using Vercel.

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emoji interpreter (markEight)

This is my React App which is created with CodeSandbox. This app gives you the Fruit Name if you input the fruit emoji or by clicking some emojis available in site itself.

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old tongue translator (markSeven)

A JS app which translates normal English to Wheel of Time Old Tongue Text. The Old Tongue is a now-dead language in the Wheel of Time universe (an Amazon special webseries), but now spoken only by scholars and certain nobles. Our Wheel of Time translator takes plain English and converts it to Wheel of time old tongue. (motivation : I am a big fan of the series and Rosamund Pike)

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banana translator (markSix)

Are you a fan of minions? Did you know that the gibberish they say is an actual language. Use the translator to convert your text from English to Minion speak or Banana language.

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basic HTML and CSS (markThree)

A very basic website to submit as an assignment to NeoGCamp Mark Three.

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are you a marvel fan? (markTwo)

This is a CLI app written in JavaScript using Repl. This app runs a quiz about Marvel Movies which will be fun to play for all Marvel fans out there. Open the Repl Link - click on "Run" - You are ready to check your love for Marvel.

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how well do you know me? (markOne)

This is a quiz app to find out how much you know about me. This projet is written on JavaScript with the help of Repl. Open the link and click "Run" to know me better. (and yes I felt being narcissistic while writing these questions and answer :D)

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